Trailer: Synopsis: Peter (Israeli actor Itay Tiran, "Lebanon") has just arrived in Poland to marry his fiancee, Zaneta (Agnieszka Zulewska), and has been given a gift of her family’s ramshackle country house. On the eve of the wedding, he uncovers an unmarked grave on the property. While the wedding proceeds, strange things happen as Peter begins to come undone and a dybbuk, the lost spirit of Jewish folklore, shows up to the celebration with vengeful intentions. (94 min)
The Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies is dedicated to the academic study and discussion of Israel and Jewish Studies.
The Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies is dedicated to the academic study and discussion of Israel and Jewish Studies. Committed to blending rigorous scholarship with cutting-edge teaching and intellectual opportunities, the IIJS explores the best that’s been thought and said in the field and examines the length and breadth of Jewish history and culture.
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