Academic Policies for the Jewish Studies M.A.
The Jewish Studies M.A. (JSMA) program is part of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS), and overseen by the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies (IIJS), which is responsible for admissions, monitoring academic progress, and other administrative aspects of academic life. All students should familiarize themselves with and follow the regulations of the University, the IIJS, the Graduate School, and the JSMA program. Please be aware that lack of knowledge about University, IIJS, GSAS, and/or JSMA rules and policies does not excuse students who fail to comply with these regulations.
For Graduate School rules and policies, see Academic Affairs.
University rules are described in Essential Policies for the Columbia Community.
Good Academic Standing
To maintain good academic standing, JSMA students must earn a cumulative grade point average of B (3.00) or higher and make continual progress towards the completion of the degree. Academic records are reviewed each term. Students who do not maintain good academic standing will be placed on academic probation. If they do not meet the conditions of their probation, they may be dismissed from the University.
Credits, Enrollment, and Time to Degree
Each degree program within the Jewish Studies M.A. program requires 32 credit points at the 4000 (graduate) level or above. IIJS faculty members often offer graduate level courses that correspond to undergraduate level offerings in a given semester; the program director can facilitate obtaining M.A. credit for undergraduate courses. The total of 32 points is fulfilled through the completion of between nine and eleven courses, depending on the number of credits of each course; the thesis Research Seminar or Supervised Individual Research seminar is worth three points.
Students can enroll on a full-time or part-time basis. Full-time students register for 1 Residence Unit (1 RU) and take four courses (or more) per semester. Part-time students who register for a half Residence Unit (½ RU) take 3 courses, and part-time students who register for a quarter Residence Unit (¼ RU) take up to two courses. All students must complete all requirements for the degree within five years (not counting official leaves of absence). Students who exceed the five-year degree limit may be dismissed from the program.
Transfer Credit
Students entering the Jewish Studies M.A. may not transfer credits from institutions other than Columbia. Students entering from another school at Columbia may apply a maximum of 15 Columbia transfer credits (i.e., up to 1 Residence Unit) towards the M.A. degree, provided the courses to be transferred are graduate-level courses, are appropriate to the JSMA program of study, were completed at the time of enrollment in the Master's program, and have not been used toward the fulfillment of requirements for another degree. All transfer credit must be approved by the Program Director in consultation with GSAS. Transfer credit should be requested in the student’s first semester. Students registered in the Jewish Studies M.A. program may count one course from a partner institution (JTS; Bard Graduate Center) towards the degree.
Courses, Registration, and Grading
Most courses that may be used to fulfill degree requirements are taught in various departments in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Some of these require that the student seek approval from the instructor and/or the department offering the course. Enrollment is not guaranteed in courses that require permission. Courses taught outside the Arts and Sciences (for instance, in SIPA or the Law School) require cross-registration applications.
JSMA students must register for a Residence Unit (RU) each semester. One-two classes is the equivalent of 1/4 RU; three classes are the equivalent of 1/3 RU; 4 classes are the equivalent of 1 RU. MA students must complete 2 Residence Units to graduate.
Pre-Approved Course Lists
Students should consult with the Program Director before each term’s registration period to choose courses that are not on the IIJS course list and to make sure the courses they have selected fulfill requirements. Courses are listed in the Directory of Classes and described on department web pages, where up-to-date information and registration procedures are available. Specific rules apply to certain types of courses:
Students wishing to take a course at the 3000 level must receive approval from the Program Director in advance of registration and must consult with the professor offering the course to make sure it will be appropriate for graduate credit.
Internships and Columbia courses at the 2000 or 1000 level do not fulfill degree requirements.
Students may take summer courses to count towards the degree. Summer course schedules, descriptions and other information can be found on the Summer Term website.
Courses taken for pass/fail or for a grade of R do not apply toward the Jewish Studies MA degree. For general grading information, see the Grading System page.
GSAS occasionally offers half-term thesis writing courses aimed at non-native speakers of English. The Program Director will notify students of such opportunities.
Jewish Studies Thesis Policies
All Jewish Studies students complete a thesis as the final requirement of their course of study. The thesis is a work of substance that draws together ideas developed in the course of a student’s interdisciplinary studies. It is approximately 12,500 words long (50 pages, double spaced) excluding the bibliography.
The student must have two faculty members read the thesis, a primary reader who will oversee the G4999 Supervised Individual Research Seminar and a secondary reader. Students are responsible for asking faculty members to administer the research seminar and to be readers of the thesis and must make these arrangements with faculty members at the beginning of the semester before the thesis-writing semester or even earlier, if possible.
Thesis Proposal
Before commencing the thesis itself, the student submits to his or her thesis advisor the proposal, a statement of 700-900 words describing the topic; the question to be answered or issue to be analyzed; the nature of the resources to be used; and plans for approach and methodology; and a brief bibliography indicating an awareness of current work on the topic. Thesis proposals, with approval by the advisor, are due in the IIJS office prior to the term in which the student plans to register for the thesis. The proposal may be altered after submission, with approval of the first supervisor, if research indicates that a different direction would be more appropriate.
Thesis Registration
Students writing the thesis must first ask a faculty member to advise the thesis and then, with the permission of that faculty member, should register for G4999 Supervised Individual Research.
Thesis Readers
Students must have two faculty members read the thesis: one as the thesis advisor and one as a secondary reader.
Thesis advisors, who will also lead the student in G4999 Supervised Individual Research, should be chosen for their expertise in the subject of the thesis; they must be current Columbia faculty members in a relevant department and hold a Ph.D. or other comparable degree. Students are responsible for finding their own thesis advisors and are strongly encouraged to ask faculty members well in advance.
Students must also ask a second faculty member to read the thesis; students are strongly encouraged to make this request well in advance.
Final Copy of the Thesis
The thesis is due on the last day of classes. Electronic copies of the final version of the thesis must be sent to the Program Director, and the advisor and reader must return the evaluation form to the IIJS office before the student will be approved for graduation. Past theses from the IIJS program as well as a small writing resource library are available for students in the IIJS office.
For any questions, email Isabelle Levy at